Classic Gray Matte Finish on Red Oak Floors

Wood Species:
Red Oak
Waterborne Polyurethane


  1. venkata 5 years ago

    loved the floor color.. have you used duraseal classic grey ?
    for matte finish, what products you used ? Can you share more details

    • James Alexander 5 years ago

      Yes! It was a Duraseal Classic Gray stain top coated with Bona Traffic Naturale finish.

      • venkata 5 years ago

        Haven’t you used a sealer after applying Classic Gray stain ?
        Also, how many coats of Stain and Bona Naturale ?

        • James Alexander 5 years ago

          It was one coat of stain and 2 coats of finish. No sealer. But, we do recommend a 3rd coat for durability.

          • venkata 5 years ago

            so recommendation is 1 coat of stain + 3 coats of finish… I think i will go for this on my project.